JVC Digital Photo Utility
JVC Digital Photo Utility.iso
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Text File
76 lines
128 icompose\n\nIcompo\n\n\nIcompose.Document\nIcompo Document
5000 fiobmp32.dll
5001 fiogif32.dll
5002 fiojpg32.dll
5003 fiopcd32.dll
5004 fiopcx32.dll
5005 fiotga32.dll
5006 fiotif32.dll
6001 fioReadHeader
6002 fioReadImg
6003 fioReadDIBImg
6004 fioSaveHeader
6005 fioSaveImg
6006 fioSaveDIBImg
6007 fioNeedSaveOption
6008 fioNeedReadOption
6009 fioSetSaveOption
6010 fioSetReadOption
6011 fioReadPalette
6014 fioSetWaitingCallback
6015 fioReadHeaderExt
6016 fioReadDIBImgExt
6017 fioGetCap
57344 Presto! PhotoComposer
61446 palette.map
61447 NewSoft Technology Corporation
61448 Presto! PhotoComposer
61449 Brushes
61450 More photos...
61451 OK
61452 Cancel
61453 Save
61454 Exit
61455 Compose
61456 Get Photo
61457 Undo
61458 Redo
61459 Smart Scraper
61460 Quick Scraper
61461 Quick Restorer
61462 Montage Tool
61463 Move Resize Rotate
61464 This tool prefer 800X600 or better screen resolution.
61465 User Guide:
61466 1. Choose two photos to make a composition.\n2. Click the compose button.
61467 1. Drag one of the corner nodes to resize the image.\n2. Drag the node picturing a double headed arrow to rotate the image.
61468 1. Reserve boundaries by dragging to make portions of a similar hue invisible.\n2. Change the scraper's width by clicking a size in Brushes.
61469 1. Scrape away portions of the foreground to reveal the background.\n2. Change the scraper's width by clicking a size in Brushes.
61470 1. Restore areas of the forground.\n2. Change the roller width by clicking a size in Brushes.
61471 1. Dab or brush to blend areas of the foreground with the background.\n2. Change the brush width by clicking a size in Brushes.
61472 Transparence of Foreground
61473 Blur of Background
61474 Zoom In/Out
61475 Zoom In
61476 Zoom out
61477 Swap Foreground & Background
61478 Merge Foreground & Background to Background
61479 Vertical Flip
61480 Horizontal Flip
61481 You can drag the composed photo to another application, or save to file.
61482 Are you sure you want to compose these two photos?
61483 Brightness
61484 Do you want to save the image composition?
61485 Some photos are coming...\nSave the composed photo before opening new files?
61486 Palette map file load failed.
61487 Color & Brightness
61488 Color && Brightness
61489 If you swap these photos, the changes made to the foreground will be lost. Do you want to continue?
61490 Reset
61491 Cannot find/open file :
61492 Please install again!\n\nThis program will be aborted.
61493 Cannot allocate memory. Program will be aborted !!!
61494 Arial
61495 The path does not exist.\nMake sure that the correct path is given.
61496 Sorry! Cannot find web brower ...